Looking to buy a home in or Near , ? Order an appraisal from JAAB Ventures Inc.

Many home buyers aren't looking to get a full "appraisal" but they could still use some assistance appropriating local property and sales information. We are able to provide low-cost sales and listing reports that will help you through the hodgepodge of raw information. A knowledgeable buying decision is far better with our appraisal reports. We understand the complexities of buying a home and know what you are going through.

Buying a house is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, we can help. Contact us today.

Standard operating procedure for JAAB Ventures Inc. includes...

  • Incredibly fast response to your request: We will give you personalized information for your particular appraisal need. Act now! Just call us or e-mail us at Alex@AlexBombino.com about your situation and we will make suggestions.
  • JAAB Ventures Inc. guarantees prompt turnaround time: Expect your report back in one week or less from when the request is received.
  • You won't need to be a real estate pro to understand your report: One size doesn't fit all when it comes to consulting and appraisal. We offer an array of report types and delivery methods.
  • Quick reply to additional concerns: You can rest assured that all JAAB Ventures Inc.'s appraisals meet or exceed 's guidelines and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that govern appraisal standards on a federal level. If you have any issues about your appraisal after you've read the report, you certainly should contact us.